Bainbridge Island Waterfront Park Master Plan
Bainbridge may be one of the largest islands in Washington's Puget Sound, but parks with water access are few and far between. When the City of Bainbridge Island hired us to develop a grant-worthy master plan for their Waterfront Park and City Dock, residents turned out in force - armed with passionate, often unique opinions about the park's future.
Our team assembled a set of theme-oriented concept plans, ranging from an internally focused "village park" to others emphasizing regional visitors and events. We used our “storefront studio” format to ensure an open, transparent process to consider the spatial and strategic options, producing a grass-roots plan that won unanimous support. Subsequent work developed 30% design drawings and gave the City a solid sense of costs and permitting hurdles. The park's construction has realized the master plan that folks agreed on - and are working together to achieve, winning a WA APA/PAW “great places” award for small-town planning and urban design.
Client Reference:
Heather Beckmann
Community Development Director
Dates of Involvement: 2014-2016
Cost: $190,000